Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

66 j ÿod mAnifef in the fief&. Yfe a Againe, from this that Godwas manifef in our Groundnotto fleJ ; let is take heed that we defilenot thisflefb defileout na- ture. ofours,thisnatureofours. What ? is thisffefh of mine taken into unitie -with the fecond Per- foil ? Is'thisflefhofmine now in Heaven, fitting i} at theright handof God ? And, fl:all I defile this Alb mine, that I profefie to bea member of Chrift ? shall 1 make it- the member ofan harlot ? Shall I abufeit,as intemperateperforas doe? Let us honor our nature, which Chrift hath fo ho- ?loured and let us take a holy kindofflare upon us,to thinke our (elves toogood ( lince God bath fo advar cedóurnature) to abafe it to the fervice of finne: lfe 3. Likewife, it fhould teachus to floupè toany To n°upeto fervice of Chrift , or our brethren. What ? did fervechrift, the loveof Goddraw him into the Wombe of andour bre- the Virgin Did it drawhinitotake'm nature tt+ren, ' Y andflefb on him? And fha;l I thin-1:e much to be ferviceable tomy poore brethren,forwhomGod was madeflefi ; and not onely fo, but was cruci- fied? Such thoughts will take downe fuchproud conceits as enter intoour hearts ', whenwe are a- bout any worke of charitie for the members of ChriIT. Shall I have bate°conceits of any man, who fefief Chrift bath taken? efpecially, when `I feeany lgoodneffe inhim let meabaft rny.felfe to any worke ofc1iaritie. Grounds a Take heed ofpride : God hirnfclfe emptied gaínft pride. himfelfe, and-wilt thou be full ofpride ? He be= caninOfno, repuiatim ndwìlt,thou fland 'upon termesofcredit ? He toofre upon him ,the forinF4f 4