74 Chrißjugeeel ltt.the spirit, -He was made fdrJTi; but he tookeupon him the flf,fb of a Virgin: Could that he otherwife, then, by the spirit, tobe bor`ceofa Virgin, the retraining a Virgin ? When l ewas borne, he, w as layd in a Marker; indeed , there was God irn the low eftate of the f ejirr 1,. bvt the wife_.¡: Wren mifhippedhim, and thel5tarrr' dircaed them T' there he was ju.Fl ijied in theSpirit. Hewas tof lci when he was afleepe in the Ship,but heco:tman- ded tF.c Winds and thewaves,: He wanted Money to pay 7, ibute, as he Wasabafed ; but to fetch it out of a Fill), there he was juliifird: the or e, was an argument of his.povertie, and meane. neffe ; but the otherwas an argument, that hee was another manner of peifon; then the V Toräd woke h itn" for;; that he ,had all the creatures at his command. He was apprehended as a Male, faí?or, but he fl"ruck them all do vn with his word, whomfakeyee? Co'.ne to the greateft abatement ofall : when he was on the. Con, he hung betweene two Theeves ; I but he converted theone ofthem. When the Theefehad fo,much difcouragement,, to fee his Saviour hang on.the Croffe ; yet. bee. (hewed Duch power in that abafement, that the very Theefecould fee him tobe a King, and was.' converted by his spirit. He did hang upon the Crofl'e;but at the fametime there was anEclipfe,i the whole Worldwas dárkned, the Earth trem- bled , the Rocks brake, the Centurion juflified him ; Doubtlefe, this pus the Bonneof God. , He ¡iris fold forthirtie pence; but he that was fold. for