8+ VP 2. 'FourcfoldCotti- fort in ourSa- lomon. Salomon a type ofGhriil. on thee,and Íieare thywifdome.So ourSaviour hiirnfelfr Happy are they that heare the word and keep it. Happy wc,if we lawour happineffe,thatwe need not with fuck coft and toyle feekeafter our Salomon. For hecomes to us, and knocksat the doores ()Four hearts, and offers to , enrich us with treafures of wifdome. Let us open our gates that this Kingof Torymay enter in. Let us receive the rules ofwifdoniefrom his miuth,and confider how unhappy theyare that defpife theword, ofwhich both the Sdo n®ns werepreachers. I I. Comfort that Chrift is the true Salomon r: Great were the bleffings whichSalomon procured to Ifrael,but all ternporary,and outward : but our Salomon procures greater, fpirituall and eternall. z. Salomon prayes,and is heard for al that pray in the temple,'.King. S. Chrift prayes, and merits that all prayers ofSaints be heard,loh. t7. 3. Salomon couldnot be prefent in all his Kingdome at once. Cant.8. r r. Salomon badaVinr- yard, arsd let it out to drefferi: verf. r a. but my vineyard is fet beforemineeyes. Himfelfe [till walks in the mrdit of thegoldenCandleflricks, andwatcheth for the goodof it. .g. All the excellencies which now wee fee and enjoy in Chrift,are nothing to them wee íh all fee, as the Beene ofSaba, halfe was not told me in my countrey. So as theglory,delight,pleafure,which our Salomonnow gives us muff affeát our hearts to renounce camall de- lights,andpurfue thofc that are above. What is earth to heaven, that is, faith to fruition? This is that, Cant.3.7. Beholdhis bed is better then Salomons, which was for price and fafety molt excellent ; for threefcore valiant men foodabout it every night. But the fpitituall mar- riage bed in the mariagechamber (tho kingdomeofglo- ry) furpaffeth all comprehenfion: all fweetnedwith in- cenfe ofholineffe, happineffe,glory, immortality, better then the bell perfumcs,there is perfea fecurity, & laltmg joyon their heads for ever. CHAP .XET.