Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Ionah a type ofChrifi, bellyof the Whale whole, and paffed through the ran- ges and armies of teeth as (harpe as fpeares without breakingor crufhingone bone of him, or the le ftlimb of his body : So jefus Chrift paffed through the ítrait gateofc'eath, but as one bone of himwas not broken ; the fpeciall and extraordinary providence of God in bothof them watching the whole bufineffe. z. As the Lord fpake unto the fifh, and the filh againft his will muff cal} tip Jonah on dry ground : So the belly of theearth can keepe Chrift no longer then the thirdday ( no more then the belly of the Whalecould keepe Jo- nah) his ble[fed body muft fee no corruption. 3. As Jonah returned fromhis grave witha longofpraife and thankefgiving, Chap. z : So jefus Chrift returned to Í life from his grave with a fong of triumph and viaory, fore-prophecied, Hof, t 3.14. and accomplifhed, t .0or. 15 .5 j.0 deathvhere it thyfling! Ograve inhere itthy vi- i ¿Tory ! 4. As Jonah an Hebrew goes not to preach to I the Ninivites, being Gentiles; till after his refarrec Lion I out of the belly of the Whale : So jefus Chrifl an He- I brew, not till after his refurrec`tion, leaves the obfiinate 1 jewes; and by his ApoUles miniftery and preaching turnes himfelfe to the Gentiles, A8. 13.46. S. As Jonah after this delivery, went and preached the do- trine of repentance with great fruit and fucceífe, to the converfion of all Niniveh, andpreventing the fearefull wrath denounced tocome within fourty dayes : So our Lord jefus after his refurreaion and afcenfion, fending out his Apoftles to preach repentance and remiíïìon of times, mightily prevailed, and fuddenly converted ma- ny nations of the Heathen, and brought them to faith and repentance. For Application : I. Let us acknowledge a greater then Jonahhere, Yfi. z. (2vT. tth. t 2.41. Left as the Ninivits flail rife upagainft Repen at of the jewes, they rife all() again us if wee convert not, his fccv cs. e 4 l