Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

88 Motives. Chrift a farre more excellent Preacher, Ionah a typeofChrjl. nor repent at Chrifts doftrine as theydid at Ionah:. For I. Who are they to us ? Theybarbarous Heathens, andGentiles, never inftrneted before : weehave beene trained in the Scriptures from childhood. z. What were their meanes toours ? Jonah preached but three . dayes to them : Chrift bath preached, not threedayes as he, nor three yeeres as to the Iewes; but aboue three- fcore yeares. He preached one fermon : Chrift a thou - fand. 3. What was their Preacher to ours ? I. Io- nah was a weakennan : Chrift is God and man. 2. Io- nah a finful man, caft into the fea for his owne finne : Chrift an innocent man, 'caft into the fea for our finne. 3. Jonah a Prophet, a fervant : Chrift the Lord of all the holy Prophets , therefore of Ionah. 4. Jonah a ítranger to them : Chriftof our owne kindred and fa- mily. 5. Jonah preached unwillingly : Chrift prea- ched freely, and fpent himfelfe for us. 6. Jonah prea ched nothing but deítru&ion of them and their City : Chrift a fweet doctrineofgrace, falvation, and the pro- mife of a kingdome of heaven. 7. Ionah came in- deed out ofthebelly of' the Whale, but did no miracle for confirmation ofhis dobrine : Chrift came both from the bofome of the Father, and from the heart of the earth, and did innumerable finesand miracles in which wee fee hisglory. 8. Jonaha molt angryand impati- ent man, would faine die becaufe the Ninevitsdid not : Chrift a mirrour of patience will die leaf his hearers fhould. 9. To Ionah no Prophet gave witneffe, Or foretold of him : To Chrift all the Prophets gane wit- neffe , A5 . i o. 43. and fpake before of him. Shall nowNineveh repent in fackcloth and afhes by Jonah: Minifteryof three dayes; and (hail not wee by Chrifts contant Minifteryof threefeore yeares ? Shall Nineveh condemne Judea for not acknowledginga greaterthen Jonah; and (hall it not condemne us not repenting? whole finne (hall bee farre greater then that of theJews, who.