Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Firft born, typesofChrig. above our owneor other mens, confeffe and profeffe his name though with Joffe and disfavour. 3. Depend upon him, and make him ourchiefe refuge, for all the fa- mily depended oh the firft borne forprotetion, fo doe members on the head. 4. Greeve to offend him by fin. How pitifully can men and womengrieve for the deathoftheir firft borne ? So muchmore flhould we that our fns have pierced Gods firs}borne,Zach. t 2.I O. I I I. Here is aground of_much confolation. t. In t hat Chrift being the truthof the firft borne, from him the birthright is derivedunto us belecversas it was from Reuben unto ludah , and wee partakeofthe famebirth- right with our head. For here is adifference betweene the type and truthofthe fir(i borne. They had all their priviledges for themfelves : but Chrift not forhimfelfe but for us. Whence his eleé members are called the Congregation ofthe first borne written in heaven, that is, whofe names are written in the booke oflife. At farther; the more thofe firft borne had, the leffe had the other brethren : but the more Chrift hath,the more have we, feeing ofhis fulneffe we receive grace for grace. If he be strong, he is ftrong for us, ifrich, he is fo to us. Ifhe be Prince and Prieft ofhis family the Church,here- by we reCover the dignity wehad loft by finne; andof (laves and vaffalls of corruption, are made Kizer and Priefts,that is,the firft borne to God, Rev. i.6. Ifhe have a doubleportion ofthe fpirit, fo havewee byhim. Ifa. 40. a. Ipeaf¿e to the heart oflerHfalem, her iniquity is for- given ; she bath receiveddouble at the Lords bandFor all her finnes, that is, a double portionof grace and fa- vour. As lofeph madeBenjamiNs meffe to be doubled : fo our Jesus doubles his spirit on the elect. Ifhe havea double portion of glory, immortality, and heavenly inheritance; fohave we inhim, being coheireswithhim in the fame inheritance, Rom. S. i7. 2. Comfort. BeingGods firft borne through Chrift, weeareBeare H unto 97 Pte. 3. _Threefcld coitzfort in the birthright.