Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

io$ Confecratienofptie/lr,a type ofChri/E. Not,. NoperfeEtion, butonely in Chrift. Prieft of the newTeftament ) removed of them, and transferred upon the beaft. And notonely the imputa- tionofour finnes uponChrift ; but alto is fignified that wee mutt layour hand by a true faith upon Chrift our head, ifweexpeì any comfort fromhis deathand paf- fon. 4. The calfe muffbe killed before the Lord, at thedoore oftheTabernacle,ver. I I ; fignifying both the death and crucifying of Chrift, as allo the fruit of it by the place. That by his death, as bya doore, an entry is made for us into theChurch , both militant and tri- umphant, He6. i ©.x®. S. The blood ofthat fine-of- fering for the Prieft muft beput on thehomes of the Al- tar, and thereft powred at thefoot oftheAltar,verfr : fignifying ; I. The fufficiency of Chrifts death to purge and reconcile us to God. 2. The plenty of grace and merit in itfor many more then are faved by it. Forbeing fufficient forall, it is not helpfull toall, nor to any that treadunder foot thisprecious blood ; the extent ofthebenefit is toall the efts. 3. The large fpreading and preaching of the Gofpel of falvation by Chrifts blood, throughall the coafts andcorners of theearth (as the blood fprinckled on the foarecorners) and that by the finger, hand, andminiftery of men. 6. The fat mutt beeoffered untoGod; but the flefh, skinne, and dung muftbe burntwith firewithout thehoft : fignify- ing : r. That Chrift offered himfelfe, and the belt parts hehad, fuffering in finite and body. 2. That hee muft fufer without the heft, without thegate ofje- rufalem, H.6, s 3. r s. and carriedout our finesout of Gods fight. 3. Thatnothing but blood comeson the Altar : For onely the blood ofChrift his Sonne clean- fedi us fromall fine. Notehence, that the Priefts in the Lawmuff beepat in mind that theywere finners,and neededa facrifice for themfelves. By which they wereto take notice of a difference betweene themfelves and our high PNieft. s. There