Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

!'rie/lf apparrella typeofChrig. 1-I5 1 peare in before the Lord if theywould be acceptable in their perfons or duties. Noting to us by the way, that every godlyMiniver weares a white linnen garment,not woven and made by men, but byGod;not without him, but withi:i him;not a fhadowor ceremony, but the fub- fiance and truth,to which allfhadowes give place. Nay there is no privateman that is godly but he muff weare thiswhite linnen garment, havingput it on in the laver ofregeneration:as Gal. /. z7. whofoever are baptized into Chrif#,haveput on Chrif. a. A girdle verf. 40. which z.A girdle, liignifies con'lancy and '}ability in the truth, both in bur highPrieájefus Chrifl , whowas not arced fhaken but a firme rocke : as alto inhis members, who are com- manded tofundfal,theirlines girt withverity, Eph.6. i 4. Hence followes, That the Minders word muff not be yeaand nay ; his courfe muff beconflantly gracious and watchful!.And for privateChri'lians, He6. c 3 .ç. Be not carried about withdivers and lirange doctrines ; for it is a good thing that the heart bee ftablifhed withgrace. 3. Abonnet,verf4o. A fyrnbole and linee to them of 3. A bonnet. Gods protection ftill covering them in their faithfull fervice ; fìgnifying to us the Lords cover and faithfull prottalion bothover ourhead , and over his members for his fake. So as,every faithfull Minjller bath abonnet, Chrift carries him as a {lure in his righthand,andcovers him from the rage ofSataft and the world,elfe fhould he not fland a minute. And every faithfull member of Chrifl is fo coveredas an haire cannotfal(much leffe the head)without thewill ofhis heavenlyfather. 4, The 4. Breeches. breeches, ver.4z. putting more comelineffe upon the uncomely parts. Signifying to them and us a What reverence we ought toute in the fervice'ofGod ; farre remooving thence every uncomely thing. t. Sha- dowingout the true andpedal holinef e, with which Chrif s humanity was cloathed; and not onely withthat but wich.the Majeltyofhis deity, ''which highlygraced I Z and M