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144 Heb,q.i. Levit.7.4. Mal.i.7. Ifa. fz.4. Pfal.i}S.z. Numb.6.:3. Heb.s.7. Highprïe/f.r aEEionf, types of chrill. the Altar ; for they were ordainedfor men in things ofGod, te offer gftsstndfacrificeafor finnes. No tanmight offer his owne facrifice, but hee mull bring it to the Priefl there was no comming toGod, but by thepriefl : Figu- ringout Iefus Chrifl who offers up hienfelfe a facrifice for the finnes oftheworld, upon theAltar of his Deity, whichgives bothvertue and merit unto it. No other can offer toGod bloody or unbloody facrifice upon this Altar, but himfelfe. John 17. 19. I fanc`hfie my felfefor them : even as theAltar fanaifieth the gift. 3. The Priefls prepared thebody of the facrifice (Lev.1.6.) flay- ed it, divided it into fëverall parts, wafted the intrailes, put fire unto the burnt offering, confùmed the fat,cafl the filth and dung into the place of afhes : Signifying, that Chrifl himfelfealone did the whole worke ofredemp- tion. He fihffered the beateof Gods wrath and juflice;he puts away all our filth, and covers it in his owne aíhes ; he burnes upour fat, that is, the fenfeleffeneffe ofour fin, andall that favoureth of the flefh, by the fire of his Spi- rit; and inwardlypurgeth and wholly wafheth us in the fountaine ofhis owneblood. 4. The Priefl mull teach the people; His lippes mugpreferve knonrledge : and the people mull depend on his mouth : fignifying theac`lion ofthis great teacher of the Church, who brought to us from the bofome of his father the whole counfell of God concerning the redemption of mankinde ; which could never have entred into the heart ofman, but by the teaching of thisgreat Prophet, Deut. 18. t T. He bath the learned tongue, and Grace is poured into his lippes. Hee therefore having thewords ofèternall life, we muff de- pend on him, and heare him. S. The Priefl mull pray for the people, andblue them. A forme of blefling is prefcribed for Aaron and his fonnes, laying their hands on the childrenofIfrael : fignifying the ftrong prayers and intercefíions of Iefus Chriflfor his Church, whowas heard inall things, as himfelfe witneffeth, Iohn 11. 42. Father