Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Glean perfons,types ofChrifi. clean birth, and the womans purification after every birth, put both theJewes and us inminde how that the commonnature ofman is horribly polluted by fin,which is every wherecalled by th;name ofuncleaneneffe;Pjal. 51, 5. BeholdIwas borne in iniquity, and infinne hathmy mother conceived me. Ifa. 64.6 We have allbeene as an un- cleane thing, andallour righteoufnefe asfilthy clouts, Iob 14.4. Who canbring acleane thing out ofiltbinefe ? there Gene arumfe- is not one. Iohn 3.6 ,That which is borne ofthe f ef95,iefdefh; quitxrxatxrarn 'becaufe that which is begotten, participateth of the na- 1 gencrantis. tureofthat which lgetteth. And this uncleaneneffe is not in anyonepart, but flicks to the whole man both in body asid foule, polluting theminde withblindneffe, the 1 will with rebellion againft the will ofGod, the confci- ence with fenfelefileffe and horrour, the affec ions with all maner ofdiforder, the whole outward man with're- fiftanceand repugnancy to the Spirit. dorm. 8.7. 2 As from there inward iffues the outward man was many '1 wayes polluted : So the jewes and we are put inminde, that from that filthy puddle and fountaine of originali finne iffue continually many uncleane iffues into the life and converfation. Mat. 15. i 9. Out of the heart come evill thoughts, inserthers, adulteries, fornication:, thefts, falfe teflimonies, plunders: There are the thingswhichde- file theman. 3. M thefe uncleane iffuesdefiled whatfo- ever they touched, Lev. i 5.4. to the i 5. foherein is no- ted to themandus, the iiafec`lionof finne and fpreading ofit, and that thecorruptionofnature (which will put forth it felfe in every thing) polluteth all that we touch : Tit. i. i 5. ynto them that are defiled and unbeleeving, is nothingpure, but even their minderandconfciencesarede- filed. 4. As thofe uncleane iffues excluded and flint themout of the campeand fociety of Gods people till they were ftaid : fo the foule iffues ofnaturall corruption (till flopped and flayed bygrace) effrangeus fromGod, and from the common wealth of' Ifrael. Ephef. 2. I Z. M 2' The 1.