ti Cleane perfons types ofChrift. the internall truth, and the laver ofthe blood ofChrift. All this wafling then leads us to the bloodofChrift, by which is meant his whole pailîon and obedience; by the 1 meritwhereof he hath procured both remiffion ofour finnes, and mortification of them.And herein is no (mall refemblance I. Waffling is an applying of water to foule parts : fo in the cleansing offanne mull be a fpeciall applicationofthe bloodof Chrif}; called, Heb.9.14,the figrinkling o fChrif s blood upon the confcience. Which is nothing elfe on Gods part but the imputationof Chrif}s fufferings to us: andonour owne part the application of them to our felves by the hand of faith. 2. In Wa- fhing is a rubbing and fcowring off of uncleaneneffe which will not eaGly off ; and in fome fouleneffe they mutt warn often for the fureneffe of the worke : noting the paines and true indeavour of the repentant heart in mortification, and afflicting it felfe. It is well contented with any bearing and wringing, fo bee may fetch out the Bayneof fiune, which flicks as clofe as his flefh to his bones. ;. The uncleane party was to wafh him- felfe, that is,his wholeman and every part: which noteth totali fannification in the whole man and all parts and members, that the wa thingmay be as large and generals as the fouleneffe is. For whatfoever part is not walled by Chrif'c,hath nopart in Chrif}, which made Peter fay, not myfeet onely (Lord) but mine handsandbead. 4. In the fouleneffe of' Leprofie bee muff wafh againeand a- gaine:to note, that after our ¡unificationby thedeath of Chrift, we mutt Tooke to a fecond wafflingof fanlifi- cation by his fpirit. And becaufe we have fl:ili wafhing worke with us, wee mull be Hill waihing our felves by daily labour in our owne reformation. This was more lively fignified in that other ceremony added to wa- fhing in the Leper, that lice mutt (have his haireagaine and again:fignifying the paringaway of f ùperfluities and lufts as fact as they grew ; and a voluntary departing hog 173