Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

IgZ ¡Vag metuït non fo.'r<mapeccato, Pd&aconta- g:one pa- tati. dm5r. de inflitut.vírg. 2. Birds. lean perfons,typesof fhould Chriflians be to avoid the morall ? i. In themfelves. A goodheart will be affected with the leaf} touchof firne, as David to eut Sauls lappet, and toa- void appearance as well as evil) it felce. 2. From o- thers. For the Jewmight bee impured from others as well asby himfelfe. We muff not communicate in othtr mens fumes, s.7-tm.5.3z. The ¡Lift man bewared) not onely finne it felfe, but even the contagion and infection offinne. Watch thy felce ; as privie to thineown weak- neffe, and thy adverfaries fubtletyand firength. 'Watch againf} ethers finnes ; as being befit with fnares. Re- folve with good Iacob, Gen.49 6. Into their fecret my foule Jhall not come. This aria watching is counted commonly foolifh precifeneffe, nicety, hateful' purity: but God effeemes it ®therwife. It is an apparant Joffeof mens favour, preferments, and worldlyhelps : but bee onely finds- the favour of God , and thehappinef 'e to fee God. Sea. Vi I. The oblation for uncleane iffues,.leading us to Chrift, is appointed, Levit. is.. 14, i 5. In this, 1. What fowler muff bee prepared for the offering ; twoTurtles, ortwo youngPigeons ; and fo for the womans,ve,f. 29. Of thecleane kind of birds : fignifying and refembling the purityofChrifts humane nature. Befides his innocen- cie, fìmplicity, meekneffe, chaflity, charity, fruitfulneffe; ofall which venues there Doves were expreffe Em- blems. z. What was the uCeof there fowles : a . They muff bring them to the Prieff : No man muff offer his owne sacrifices , but muff prefent them to God by Chriff the onely high Prier} : z. Theymuff bring them to the doore of the Tabernacle ; for publicke fervice muff not bee privately performed ; and figured our en- trance by Chrift the doore : 3. One muff bee made a finne offering, the ocher a burnt offering. The facrifices were