Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Cleanperfons,típês ofChrif1. I were types of that onely facrificeof the Sonne ofGod our Redeemer, performed upon theAltar ofhis Croffe, for theexpiating the firms and fouleiflues of the whole world. In them both, i . what they were, z. what were the ceremonies about them. i. The fmne offe- ring was a facrifice in which the whole butt or bird . was not.confumedwith fire ( as the burntoffering was) but Elaine for the expiation of finne : The ufe of which was to figure and Peale up to the Jews the expiation i Heb.9.26. of their firmes in Chrift. Now Cbrift is made manYeit for the doingawayoffnne, by the _pine facrifice of him- felfe ; and feeverfe z 8. The burnt offering was a facri- fice in which the whole beaft or bird was confirmed with fire offered up therein toGod for a favour ofreff ; namely to appeafe and pacifieGods wrath for force fin, or firmes committed Which fignified that Chrift was to bee a whole burnt offering, and to bee whollycon fu- 'riled in foule and bodywith the fireofhisFathers wrath, that hee might bee afweet fmelling favour for us . Hee gave himfelfe forus, a facrifice and oblation fora fweet Ephef.s.a. fmelling favour. Neither did the belcevingJews thinke that God was appeafed by any vertue in theburnt offe- ring, but through the eternal' facrifice ofChrift fhadow- ed therein. z. What were the ceremonies about thefe fowles,for theyall pointed at Chrift. z. For theAnne offering ofFowles, the ceremonies are appointed, Levit. S .8,9. and they bee three. i. Rite. The Prieft mull wring the necke of the Dove afunder, but not plucke it Beane off; and the fame rite in theburnt offering : The Levit.z.z b. necke muff bee pincht with thenaile ofthePrieft to let out the blood, but the head mutt not bee piuckt off from the body : Signifying. 1. That althoughChrift was to die, yet his divinity and humanity fhould not bee feve- red. s. Than the death ofthis innocent Dove fhould not interrupt his head-fhipofthe Church. Hee was to bee pinched to death ; but his head fhould not bee feve- N4 red 3,