8+ Clean perfons, ypef ofChrifl. red from his body and members, which is his Church. 3. That Chrift 1houlddie indeed, but no boneof him muff bebroken, loh. r 9.36. fhadowedalto in the Palk- Altar z. Rite. The Priefi muff fprinkle theblood of the Game offering upon the fideof the Altar, verf.9. and the like in the burnt offering, Ch.irp.I.I S : fignifying that all the venue and merit of Chritfs blood for the pur- gingof fauns, was drawee from the Altar ofhis Deity. Aì.s®.i=, Hemuff be God that mull purchafe the Churchwith his blood, and 2. Cor. S. t 9. God was in Chrift. 3. Rite. All the reff ofthe blood muff bepowred out at the foot ofthe Altar : fignifyingnot onely thepowring out ofthe blood of jefus Chriff our true finne offering upon the of the Croife, without which thedding ofblood can bee no remifGon of finnes : but alto the bloodpow- red at the foot ofthe Altar, that is, thole clotsand drops of bloodplentifully flowing from him in his agonybe- fore his paffion, Luke 2.2.44. as hee was going up to the Croffe. 2. For the Dove appointed for the burnt of- fering (befides the former rites j force other are ap- Levit.i.i6. pointed, I. ThePriefl mu(} plucks out the mawwith r his feathers, and call them befides the Altar on the Fall fide in the placeof the afhes : For thefe were things un- i cleave ; and figniñed that Chriíf fhould bring no un- cleane thing to his fuffering, but prefent a moil fpotieffe andholyoblation to theLord ; for elfe had it not beene of fweet finell. 2, The Prieft muff divide and cleave the bird with his wings, but not afunder : fignifying Chrifi, who feemed by his death to bee burnt, extinft, and perithed; for fohe was in theelleeme ofhis owne difciples as they were going to Emmaus : but yet hee was nor quite fimdred,but roleagaine byhis ownepow- ¡er, and ever Iiveth fluting at his Fathers right hand to make requells for us. Yea his owne words might feemo to imply a fundring, whenhe faith ; Why hf4 thoufor- mes : bet that the ingemination of his former words