k.ti110r4% Cleanperfons,type,r ofChri ,. ...._._... words ( God, my God ) doth flrongly prove thecon- trary, 3. This bird muff bee throughly confuted to afhes,to make it a fweetfavour to the Lord,Levit.i.i7: fignifying that never was any thing fo grateful' and ac- ceptable to the Lord, as the whole burnt facrifice of his Sonne ; in which hee finelled a favour of eternal'refl. To which the Pfalmifl alludeth, Let him finell a favour ofallthy oblations, and tonne thyburnt offerings into aJhes. 4. When all thefe rites wereobferved, the party that was uncleane (hall bee cleane, Levit. i .R. and Chap.: 5. 1 3,28 : tìgnifying that a party ¡unifiedby Chrins blood, and exercifing true repentance,and the fludy ofholineffe andnew life ; is brought in againe into the right and fel- lowlhip ofGod and his people,whatfoeverhis unclean- neffe formerly bath beene. And thus bath the legal' cleanfrngof this perfon brought us to theEvangelical' in Jefas Chri1 . L Sundry grounds of confolation to the Church and people ofGod. i . A s Chril feemedcleave di- videdand fundred from his Father and from his Church but was not : fohis members often feeme quite fundred from God and all comfort, but are nor, z.Cor.4.8. and Chap. 6.9. A godly manmay bee in filch a ftraight as Davidwas, when thus hebrake forth to Ionathan ; e As the Lord liveth, andas thyfoule liveth,there it but onefiep betzneene me anddeath : andyet whenbee can fee no paf- (fage, Godmakes a paffage forth. Hence may a Chrifli I an( withPaul) challenge all perills and dangers, and contemn them as too weake tofeparate as fromChriff, Rom. 8.39. yea in all things wee arenot onely cônque- tours, but more then conquerotars. So was Chrifl in death, and from under the grave more then a conque- tour. Let a Chriflian he flame it hinders him not from being a conquerour ; and what everbee may lofe, he lo- j feth not the love of God ; who lovethhim to the end, whom hee once l®vet' ; and therefore onely the found 1 Chriftian Pfal.xo.; Note. x. Comfort to the godly,