Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Pfa1.34.20. Not 2: Aire& purityof heart and life. Motives. Cleanperlons, types ofchrft. Chriflian is in a fire eflate. Ifforrowbe for anight, joy will returne in the morning ; after darkeneffe as fine to fee light. As jefus Chrift keeper his headfhip,anddeath cannot fever him quite : fo the members may bee pin- ched (yet not quite eff)but abide members 0i1í. z . As the fpeciall providenceofGod watched his owne fonne, that though hoewas in wicked hands that wanted no will,yet they werekept Frombreakingone bone ofhim : foe Both the fameprouidencewatch over his members; that howfoever the wicked of the world pinch and preffe them, yet the promife is made to them, He keepes all their bone$, not.one of them i$ broken, that is, without the will ofourheavenly Father, as Mat. 1 0. tg. Nctarc hayre fhall fall ; for the fame providence watcheth the head andmembers.This confìderation is ufed by Chrifl to remoove exceffive feareofmen. Ifthou fee thine ene- mies encreafeas beesabout thee,ready toNike and fling: Let thy waies pleafe theLord, hecan i.turne theirhearts to peaceas Efaus to Jacob when he purpofed his death ; and Labatn$ to Jacobwhen he intended evill intreaty to. wards him. 2. He can tunic their counfell to folly,and bring it on their owneheads, as in Haman and Acbito- phe1. 3. He can turne their evill to thy goodand fal- vation, according to the Paying oflofeph tohis brethren, Yee intendedevill againil me,butGod turned it togood as this day. 4. He can take them off at his pleafure; he hath anhooke forZenacherib ; and Balsam (hall not curfe though he would never fo faine. 3. In that Chrifibrought nouncleane thing to his facrifice (figured in pullingout themaw and feathers, and calling them betide the Altar in theplace of Mlles) wee have com- fort in the offering of all our fervice and facrifices of prayer, prayfes, alines, duties, all unclean in and from us: but prefented in Chriits'facrifice noancleannetfe is in them. I I. How carefull the Lord is that his people pre- ferve