Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Clean perlons, tapes of Chràl. 187 ferve pureneffe among them, that the holy God may walke amongft an holy ld people: toAledfeQuit elves from full we Chril}cans fhou allfïlthinefre of theflefii andf#irit,a Cor.7.1. And that we fhould beever flopping up thofe uncleane iflues which difiurbe our chaPcity of body or mind, which thefe Le- gall iffues fpecially aimeat.Oh this chafhty ofminde and body isa fingular grace. For r . It ítánds with the will ofGod ; i Thef. 4. 3, 4, This is the will ofGod evenyour Fula ification ; and that ever, onepoffelie huu veffell in holi- neffe andhonour. z. It.fiands with the nature ofGod, which is mofi holy and pure ; God is a pure chaff Spirit, and will beeprayed unto with a pure and chaff heart. How can foule fornicators and adulterers thinke that their prayers can get into heaven, and themfelves Phut out ? 3. Byholineffe and chaftity ofmind and body thou becomme a Temple of the holy Ghoft, i Cor. 6. 19 Without which thou art nobetter then a fwinefty, fit for foule fpirits and devils, that delight in uncleanne(fe' toharbour in 4. It f}ands with the ho- nour of thebody;which i. is for the Lord, that is, cre- ated for the glory ofthe maker. z. the Lord is for the body, namely to redeeme it, fo as the body alit is a part ofGods purchafe. 3. the Lord is the head, and the bodies are members ofChrifi. Oh what a great wick - edneflse(as Iofeph calls it,Gen. 9.9.)tomake it a member ofanharlot ? 5. Follow holineffeand chaility; with- , out which thou hhall never fee God either in grace,or in glory, Heh.i z.z4. What makes the harlots fo fottifh,fo' graceleffe in themiddeft of powerfull meanes, but that their hearts' are taken away, Gods plaguehath already feifed upon them ingreat part, for they cannot fee God in grace offeringrepentance,and therefore they (hall ne- ver fee him in glory. Now the bett direEtions for flap, ping thefe running iffues, are : L Direlion. Begin at the fountaine ; labour for inward Cala Deus mens ejt,cafiavolt mente votati. Hof4 r z. Begin with the, heart :why.