Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

I$8 How the heart may beclean- fed. Proceed in cleanfing the life. Cleaneperfons, typesofCrr. inward purity firff. For i . Whence iffue thefe but . from awicked and impenitent heart? 2. God looker firft at the cleanneffe of theheart, knowing that if hee find that uncleane nothing is cleane. 3. Morality and ' cleanlineffe make a man care for the cleanneffe of his face, but grace and religionmuff make him looke to the cleanneffe of his heart,Ier.4.14. Becaufe he knowes that no beauty of the face can allure a man fo much , as the cleanneffe of heart allureth. 4. Get grace into thy heart, and it cannot choofebut fendout, as Chrift faith, According to that which is within. According to the abun- danceof theheart the mouth will fpeake , the eye will Tooke, the hand will worke, the foot will walke. Get thy heart purgedand wafhed, and it is itnpoffible that thy life fhould be foule. 5. Invaine domen (tingle and Rrive to call offfome waft boughs offinfull a6tions, ifthey feeke not to ftrike up the roote. Thou wouldfl avoyd oathes and lyes in thy tongue, but fhalt never doe it while thou haft a fwearingand lyingheart. Thou wouldfl avoid fornication and adultery in the ac`t, in the eye, in the fpeech, but never fhalt thou flop this iffue, if thou haft an adulterous heart: And fo inother finnes. iefß. Howmay I cleanfemy heart ? .fin/w.Cleanneffeof heart is in two things. 1. Jafli- fication by the blood of Chrifl imputed and applyed, M.15.8.1o. 2. Sanctification by the fpirit, which Rands in two things. z. In parting with our filthi- nelle, as evill thoughts, pride, hypocrifìe, Rubbornneffe, malice : in a mortification ofall inward lufts, 2. In attaining a new eflate in all theinward faculties, a plan- tingandcherifhingofall graces. Thus (as our Saviour faith)he that is wafhed is all eleane. I I. Direaion. From the foundation come to the flrears:If the heart at any time be inflamed with the I fire ofconcupifcence, and begin to boyle over, flay the ifrue with all expedition. Jweft.