Clean perfons,type.r ofChrifi. &ft. How Anfzr. J . Covenant with all thy parts that none of then fha11 fulfill the lulls ofthe flefh. Specially,covenant with thine eye, as Iob, with thy tongue not to name any filthineffe, as it becommeth Saints, Eph. 5. 31 with thy handnot to execute any inordinate delires. 2. Threa- ten thymembers ; that thou wilt plucks out thineeye, cutoff thy Ilan3 and foot rather thenby them offendGod and thy confcience. If this will not fervc, beat downs thy rebellious members(asPaul) with labour. Avoid occafi- 3. Direc`}iou. Avoid occafons of defilements by ons of &file. the uncleane iffues of others, fo did the Jewes. As ,Went. i, Comenotneereuncleane perfons,a Cor.6.17. Avoid fwcarers, drunkards, gameflers, wantons, Prov. 4. 14, 7. Avoid the feate they fit on ; A place of fhor- I terreft, Val. T. i Bleffed is he thatfits net in thefeat of wickedmen; Lev, i 5.6. 3. Shunne the bed they lye on, Levi 5.5; A place of longer refl with them ; as one de- lighting in their fellowfhpp, and tumbling with them in fllthiaeffe. 4. Beware oftheir fpittle,ver.8.Words vtfativaore ex. are cafe outof the mouth as fpittle. Neither affent to citltur,fc ferrya. their fpeeches and perfwafions, (which are fiill-againfl God) nor be difmaid 'from good things by their threats and reproches. This filthy froth and frittle daily pollutes many that arecareleffe to avoid it. Obiec`l. Alas it is imponible then to avoid uncleane. iffues. I cannot but daily and hourely touch fome filtbi- ne{fe , unleffeI runne out of the world, and from my feife. . Sol. r. Therefore as the woman having the bloody ifrue, thrua in daily to touch the hemme ofChrifksgar- ment , Marc. 5. that his blood may heale thy bloody iffues. 2. As feeing need of daily mercy, to true watch joyne prayer, as Hezekiah, Thegood Lordbe mer. x cilia tohim that isfanaified, although not accorehni to the 18,19,20' purificationofthe S'antluary: And the Lord heardhim: So will