Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

./'... `.. 190 Citane perfons, types ofChriJI. will he thee, where he findes a true, endeavour after cleannefre. 3. Leper two Wayesclearafed. Sea. VIII. Now followes theoblation for the uncleanneffe ofle- pr®fie. The cleanfing ofthe Leper is in Lev. r el.. where we readof two forts of oblasions prefcrïbed. i . For the cleanfingofhim that bee might come into the tent, z. After his cleanfingand comming into the tent, knee mull offer three Lambes, one for a trefpaffe offering, one for a fanne offering, another for a burnt offering, with a number ofceremonies about the Lambes, all leading to Chrift. But in this place we are onely to fpeake of the former, concerninghis cleanfing, Lev. 14. from ver. Where a. to 8. i . The Leper to be cleanfed mull bee brought to the Prief}. For he only molt difcerne and pronounce ofit, whether it hecured or uncleane : figni- Lying that the firmer that delires to be cleanfed, muff ha- fien to jefus Chrift theonelyhigh Priefi of the new Te- f}ament, who onely is able to cleanfe and heale our le- profie of(inne, and herein is farre beyond all thofe types. The Prieft could difcerne of bodily leprofie, and pro- nounce themclean if they were fo, but bee could not make them cleane ifthey werenor. But Iefus Chrift can properly forgive (inne, the fòules leprofie, being the healing G;d, and onely Phyfitian of foules. Z. The Priefh muff goe out of the campe unto him to confider him : to fignifie,how Iefus Chrift findes us whenhe firft comes untons,.namely fach as (having the moll" loath- fome leprofie running upon us) have no right to thé communion ofSaints, nor to any of the priviledges of Gods people, but outcafts and aliens fromGod,from the faith, and from the common wealthofIfrael,Ephef.Z. i z, 3. The Prieft muff firff fee him healed, and then pro- ceed to theexaa cleanfing, ver. 3. fignifyinga twofold anion I