Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Cleane perfons,wes ofarifo .194 - ..._.,._..... a: ion of lefus Chrift in the curing of the leprafre of fin. For, r. he muff heale thefinnerby the grace of juffif- cation and found converfion; but this is notall,for there remains a great deal tó dobefore we can be foúdlyclean- fed. And therefore 2. he muffbeftow on us his "S irit,to `worke in us a dailygrowth and proceeding in ian&ifi- cation, before we canbe pronounced eleane. 4. The Prie{1 muff prepare r. two little livebirds ofthe clean kinde,vcr. 4. I. twobirds, to note the twofold na- ture ofIefus Chrift, his deity and humanity. z two little birds, to note the humility and meane efteeme of our Lord and Saviour Chrift. 3. two cleane birds, to note the unfpottedand furpaífing purity of both his na- tures. 4. two- live".birds, one to dieand the othérto live, tonote that Chrift had one nature to dye in, ano- ther not fubjeato.death : As alto the twofold date of our Lord Iefus, his fuffering and dying efface, and his gloriousand exalted eftate. z. he mull prepareCedar wood, fcarlet, and bylope : noting-(as we have-heard) the excellent graces that Chrift brings to his lotion; both in regard ofhimfclfe, his Church, and his father And figniIying that Chrift and his gracesarc infeperabd'e And teacheth chat no man :canzhinketo bee cle tife by the blood ofChrift, that is careleffe to receive hisgraces; which thoumuff as eagerlydefireaktirnfelfe. _ 5.: 'The ufe of thefe rnaterialls ofcleanfing, concerne t che dying bird. 2. the livingbird. 3. the party to -bee eleanfed. Firff concerning the dy ir;g birde. r. Onc'.-fthe birds gulf be flaicre- : pointing at thie death without which is no purging or cleanfing of finne, web': !: 9. z z. But one bird onely dyed : fo Chrift was pot te', death esncerîingtheflefh, r Pet, 3, 18. 2. It liuft bee ' Elaine over running water, that tl blood might. fail into the water. The blo©d_falling into the water - tiíiei': r . that a fountaineofgrace by the death ofChrift is o `- pened