792. Cleanperfons,typesofChrif. penedboth for ju(lífication and fanflification. For wa- ter and blood heremeet,fhadowing the ftreamesofwa- ter andblood iffuing from the fideofChriíl in his paífl_ on, r /ohm 5.6. 2. The bird ílaine over running wa- ter fignified the innocency of the death of Christ, for thoughhe mull dye, yet his L lood is in pure ftreames, as runningwater is. 3. That this water mull be running j water, not ítauding; fignifying that there is a continual( cocke andconduit ofgraceoverflowing from this fowl- ; taine, ever runningand iltuing fromChrift to the re fie- filing ofthirlly and weary foules beleeving in his name. 4. By the falling ofthe blood into running water might', allobe fignified, that the deathofChrift Ihould run into theMiniftery ofthe Gofpell, as the waters from under the Sanauary every way. As Chrift fpakeofMaries fan preparing him to his death : fo much more of his death it Celfe, what he path done and fuffered {hall bee every where preached to the worlds end. 3. This water mullbe in an earthen veffell. Not onely to lignifie that Chri(l malt fweat and powre forth in his death, water and bloodaccording to his humane nature, (which for the timeofhis abalècnent was a fraile and brittle veffell, fubjea to infirmities and contempt. and inall things like unto ours onely fitine excepted) but alto that this bleffed treafuryofthe Church fhould bee retained and held in earthenveffells, that is, the faithful( minifters ofChrill ; howcontemptible foever they are in theworld,yet theft (hall cary and difperie thefeWelledmyfteries unto men, aS 2 Cor. 4. 7. Secondly, concerning the live Sparrow. Thegeneral( lignification ofit was Chrili now alive railed from the dead, who can dye nomore, but ever liveth, and fitteth at the right handofGod, and that by the power ofhis divinity. And i. This Sparrow mull be ufed all() to 1 the cleaningoftheLeper. For neither the humanityof Chrift without his deity, nor his deity without his hu-1 manity