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wummimmie Cleane perfons, typer ofChr>! . rnaniry can cleanfeor juRifie the firmer. Neither the life ofChritt without hisdeath, nor his death without his life can availe us to righteoufrieffe. Ac`7s 20. 23. God fliedhis blood to purchafe the Church tohimfelC 2. The Prieft mutt dip the live bird, and the Cedar, and fcarlet lace, andhyfope in the bloodof the Sparrow Raine and pure water, ver. 6. fignifying i. That the deityof Chrifk (which is impaffible in it felfe) can yeetd us no comfort alone, had it not been joyned to an humanity fubjea topaíhon, which is plainly meantby dippingthe live bird in the blood of' the flaine. For therefore the forme of God muff takeour nature, to better our nature, and takeour flail, that bydeath hemight defiroy him that 116.2.14. had the power ofdeath. z. The fcarlet, cedar and hy- fope muff be dipped alto, to Phew that all the graces we receive from himmuff be dipped in his blood, bywhich alone we haveboth accefhe unto grace, and acceptation into grace. For by the dipping and union of this live 1 bird and flaine, we come into the grace and favour of God, beingunited fart} tohis humanity, then to his di- vinity, and fo areknit tohis whole perfon, and by him we come to the father. 3. The Prieft muft let the live bird goe into the broad field, ver. 7. fignifying T. Chrifts efcape anddeliverance from deach,and the pow- er ofthe grave. a. His exaltation after he was once confecrated,his afcending on high,and being madehigh- er then the heavens, Heb. 7. z6. 3. Thepublication and maniteftation of righteoufnefte purchafed by the death ofChritt, in thebroad& open field oftheChurch, and this in the daily minifteryoftheGofpell. Thirdly, concerning the party to whom this cure mull` be applyed. The Prieft muff îprinkie on him that is tobe cleanfed, this blood (even times : fignifying i. That only Chritt jefus doth fprinkle hisbloodonpenitét foules,fiomwhomonly they mutt expeel pardon&pur- ging fromfins. z.That Chrifts blood muff beparticular- o ly