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194 Heb.7.y3. Viè. r No calle mat- ter to be ridcf lìnae. Clean perfons;opes ofarift. lyapplyed to every beleever, to every thing that is to be cleanfed : Partlyby Gods imputationof Chrift and his merits to thepenitent Eimer : Partlyby his Minitiers in thepubli(hing and fpeciall applying the particular pro- miles to every foule that is weary. 3. Seven times fprinkling noteth r. Perfect juftification by theblood ofChrift, the number offeven times, perfect fprinkling; he is ableperfewy Ca fave all that come unto him,and nee- dethnoother feekingofothermerits to fatisfieor jufli- fie. 2. To put theuncleaneperfon in minde howhard- ly he parts fromhis fouleneffe : andus, that it is noease thing tobe ridoffinne.. 3. How weakly and imper- fetlyour felves apply theblood ofChri(l,that have need ofCo many fprinklings : to humbleus forour weaknefï'e offaith, and flow progreffe in fanaification. Sect, IX. I. All thefe ordinances and ceremonies in difcerning and curing this difeafe, in generali teach us two things. I. That it is no fmall bufineffe to be ridofthe leprofie of theuixile, and infectionoffinne; which was but fha- dowed in that, as that was occafioned by this. For whence is bodily leprofie, but from leprofie ofthe foule? Or what is it that ftTikes the bodywith filch contagious fickneffe, but the infection and ficknef e ofthe foule ? As inÇehezi, ' irians, Yzzizh wholebodies were fo fou- ly infected anddeformed by the leprófie ofthe f©ule,and corruption of heart. And who fees not how the Lord would lead them and us to take fpeciall notice hereby of the foules leprofie by fànne, in that bee committeth the knowledge anddiscerning of this difeafe of leprofie to thePriefts,fending them to the Phyfitians oftheir foules and not to the Phyfitians of their bodies, whom one would thinke,it morefpecially and properlyconcerned? This Ibould admonifh us all,that iftherebe fo much adoe toget cleane bodies, cleane faces, cleane skins; how great