Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

djr[ons, types ofChrJ7, 195 great our care and bufineífe fhould be to get clean foules, the foile ofwhich cleaves not to the skin cnely,but (ticks clofer to us thenour skin or bones; and yet wee thinke every flight ugh, or Lord have mercy, or three words at our death furiicient to rid us ofour firms, and foules le- profie. I I. How carefull the Lord is to fever the cleanefrom uncleane for feare ofgenerallinferion. Teaching i . the Magiftrate, that as the Lord puts difference betweene him that fweareth, and him that feareth an oath : fo fhould they to incourage and countenance the clean per- fon, that is, the godly and faithfull. David fet his eyes on thegodly in the land, notto maligne or wrong them, but tocherifb their perfons,and help up religion and the feare ofGod in them : As alfo todifcountenance and ter- rific the foule blasphemer, thedrunkard, Sabbath break- er, idle perlonsand gameiters,that thrult themfelves out of their calling all the week long. But if a man by his Icourfe fhuffie cleane anduncleane together, nay runne I with theuncleane, and countenance gametkers, ¡wearers, bibbers, how doth heexecute the judgements ofGod ? la, A good minilter then ¡lands in the counfell ofGod, whenhefevers theprecious from the vile, Icr. 1 S. t 9.The Prieft in the Lawmuff pronounce him cleane that is fo @ indeed. He durst not pronounce a foule perlon to bee deane, nor a cleane perron foule. Thenhow dares a man that Rands to judge between the Lord and his people, fcandalize or fcorne fuch as endeavour molt tobe dean ? How comes itthat wedoe not heare drunkards, adulte- rers,theeves,fwearers,blafphemours fo rated and difgra- ced as them? Or how dare men fell praises of religion to foule Athei[ts, ¡wearers, haters and defpilers of good- neffe (as if men fhould gild rotten poús, or warn dead bricks) making them at their death feerne as white as lawne, who all their life were white as Lepers ? Well, let not thedefpifed members of Chrifi be difcouraged ; 0z we Separate bc- tweene the pre- cious and the vilc.