196 Cleaneperfons, types ofChri weknow that the judgement ofChrifl fhall paffe righ- teoufly betweene the Beane anduncleane. If thy heart be upright, let all men call the foule brand of' an hypo- crite on thee, jefus Chrif} Thall pronounce thee cleane. 3. Every goodman mull and will beglad ofthis fepa- ration, rejoyce in that arbitrement that differenceth clean anduncleane, as moll favoury. Wicked men can abide nothing leffe then this fhedding & differencingofmen. Whence are fo many tumults ? Oh you are more holy then all other, youare the pure ones, you are all cicane, arc ? but becaufe they have learned a crick to deceive themfelves, and tohide their fouleneffe (as they thinke) by crowding all into one confufion. Now is that do- cìrine onely intolerable that fetcheth them out of their holes, and calls them out among their uncleane fellowes, for wholecompany theybe a great deale fitter, then for the focietyofSaints and beleevers. Vfe, z; I I. Note in fpeciall. i . In that the Leper mall bee Chr,a difcerns fent to the Priefl tohave his leprofie difcertaed we fee the leprofie of that our Lord Jefus (who was typified by the high frame, brief}) candifcerneour leprofie. Thou maifl hide thy finnefrom man, but thoucant not deceive him, no idle excufeor fig-leafecan cover thee. Ifhe fee thee an adtd- terer, a fwearer, anunjufl perfon, a covetous ©r proud perfon, ifhe fee thee an enemy, a profane perfon; he will judge thee a Leper. Thoucant} not finne (thoughnever fo fecretly) but thouart fore to be difcerned and tryed,by him whofeeyes areas a flame offire. And if' he judge thee a leper, he will pronounce thee a leper, and thou cantf not appear from, but mull (land to his judgement. What ifmenapplaud and commend thee fbr an honeff man, a goodneighbour, a juif man, if hejudge thee a le- per ? What had it beene better, if' all the congregation had taken part witha leper, ifthe Prieff pronounced him uncleane ? And ifhe pronounce thee uncleane, he will 1hut theeout of the campe, out of the fociety ®fGod and d