Cleanperfons,typef ofOrig. and his Saints, till thoubeen feafonably cleanfed. Men may faile in their cenfures, and fhut out the cleane for vncleane ( as lo2.9. 34. the Jews did theman that was borne blind ) and hold in theuncleane for bate refpeets : but jefus Chrift he (huts himout unpartially, whom hee pronounceth a leper. I I. Then was the leper healed, when in the judge- ment of the Priei bee wag fe ; and then the Priefl mua pronouncehim fo. The Priefi could not make him clean, but pronouncehimcleane : Even fo, thouart then clean- fed from thy (inne, when in the judgement of Chrift ( our highPrieft) thou art fo,. who not onely canpro- nounce thee cleane,but make thee fo. uEff. But how may I know that Chrift accounts meecleane ? flnfzr. When his word by the mouth of his fervant pronounceth thee cleane, accounts thee fo. Whatfoe- ver yee bind or loofe in earth, (hall bee bound and loofed in heaven, Mouth.' 6.19. with loh. 20.23. Chrift onely properly pardons finne, and remits it, i. by merit; 2. by efficacy ofconferring; and no Minifter can thus remit finne : But everyMinifter mull pronounce andde- clare pardon to penitent (inners ; and whenhedoth this in Chrifis Name, Chrift from heavers pronounceth the Ieper tobe cleane. 06jeE . But there may bee errour in the Prieras fen- tence, and the Minif#ers judgement is not infallible. Sol. The fentenceofthe Prieft was infallible, ifbee kept him to the rules of inquifìtion : And the Minifter pronouncing pardonupon penitent (inners cannot be de- ceived ; though thou mayeft deceive thy felfe in ap plying promifes and grants of' pardon not belonging unto thee. . eft. What are the rules of inquifitionot direfion? iofiv. 1. If by rubbing the place hee fee it grow red the leprofie is in way of cure; if it bee not red by 0 3 rubbing, 197 2. Onely they are cleanff,J from fume,whore Chrift accounts fo to be. Marks ofone cleanfedfrom finne.