Clean perfons, types ofchri/i. rubbing, it is incurable So if the finner be áflamed and blufh at his finne, if' godly abafhrnent hath begunhis re- pentance,it isa good fgne ofcure. 2. If the fpot pric- ked with a needle, there come forth blood, it is inthe wayofcure : So fanners pricked with the needleofthe Law, if they have fence ofpaine which makes them cry out of themfelves, and fee the need of Chrift, it is a good figne. Men pricked now adáies, tlirre up their blood againfl the Phyfician; but fuch are faire from cure. 3. A leper was healed when his leprofie was flayed, and went no further : So hee is to be pronounced cleanc who truely turnes toGod ; finne bath Io!t dominion in him ; finne growes leffe and lease ; the flirringv of cor- ruptions are abated ; hee cannot doe as he hath done, or would doe ; nor forget that he was cured. q.. When theconfcience is bathed in that fountaine in whichwater &bloodhave met, then is the leper clean. Whenby the merit ofChrifl the firmer is fully jultified, &by the Spi - rit of Chrift he is in part fanClified, & rifetli up towards full fanClification;then is he trulypronounced clean. odjeR. Alas 11 I am then vncleane flill; I find much fouleneffeand follyprefent with me. Sod. I. The leper and (inner maybe truely cleanfed, never fully in this life; for every day will make him foule evenafter true repentance : but wee muff daily re- nueour repentancefor daily cleanfing. z. Remember, . that the leper mull íhave his haire againe and againe,but hee leaves the roots behind ; yet hee was pronounced cleane, though the haire was flill growing,and for all the roots. 3. The running water in the bafen.for the cure of the leper,fignified a continual) flowing of a'.foun- tame of grace fromChrift to the heart of the firmer, for his continuali wafhing. I I I. What every man mull doe in fence of his fiiirituall feprofie.. 'Something is to bee done before the cure formeithiingàft¿er..' I. Before