Cleanperfons, types ofChrí%í. 199 I. Before the cure. t. As the leper difcernirighis tS7hatistoe owne mifery, eí}eemed him an happy man that was done beE'orc cleane : So thouPeeing this difeafe, mutt judge thy felfe tius cure. molt unhappy and rniferable of all men, as Passl, and never thinke thy felfe happy till thou haft got acure, Pfal. 3 2, r. Every leper cried out, I am uncleane : the fame rnufI bee thy complaint and cry. 2. Get thee to the Prieft : Goe to Chrift in humility, as that leper Matt.8.2.) Lord ifthan wilt, thoutanfi make me clean ; and the leaft touch ofChrift fhall:make thee clean, ver. 3. 1 3. Naaman, being ftrucke with leprofie, mutt wafh and bee cleane : So mutt thou bewaile and lament thy eílate ; wafh thy felfe in the fait feaof tearer, that God may wafh thee with a fea of mercy. Efpecially in grea- ter fintie,s (as in a deeper leprofie) take up deeper humi- liation and repentance ; as David waffled his couch with. tares. I I. After the cure. i . IfGodhavehealed thy le- 2. profie,be thou thankefull ; fo Naarzan,2.King. . z 5 .Not And wiut af. as thenine,lepers, of whomnone returned backe togive tertroard. thankes. Would to. God one often were as thanfull as Luke z ya t; e ought, for fo great a cure. 2. Bring thy gift to the Lord for the curing, for fo the leperswere enjoyned -: that is,. pay thy vows ; offer tap thy felfe andall thy obe- dience, an acceptable facrifice unto God, Rom. z z. z . Re- ligne unto God ; prefent all thy facrifices by the high Prieff jefus Chrift, in whom alone thou canft finde .ac- ceptance. Obi eel. Alas, I have nothing worthy giving unto God. Sol. z. Thou canti give no leffe then true endea- vours of obedience ; and then, be theynever foweake, he.e that accepts the will for the deed, will accept them. 2. God prefcribed afmaller offering fot the poore then for the rich the poore man muff provide a facrificeac- cording to the labour of his hands : To comfort the 0 4 weake