Circumcifion, E ype ofaril1. 207 I I. Circumcifion figures Chrift : Circumcifion I. As it was a jewifh Sacrament , wherein Chrift figure ofChriit fhined eut clearely ; whowas and is the fubfiance of all Sacraments both jewif t and Chriflian ; for Chrift is the fubllanceof the whole Covenant, and all the fealesofit. In this fence the Ap©(lle calls it afeale ofthe righteoufne7è Rom.4.i r. ofaith: Namely s . a feale offecresy,that lockedup the How a Peale of Covenant onely to that people. 2. a witnefling Peale righceoufneihe. whereby (as by a vifible, perpetuall,and fenfible frgne in their fie fh, which they could never lay off) the Lord would t'tili hold in their fenoes , his owne prornife of I grace made unto them in the promifed Meffiab, and their promifeofobedience made backe againe untoGod tobecomehis people. Which promife of theirs, how- foever they were to endeavour in ; yet could it not be fullyperformed for them, but in the promifed feed, in whom their imperfect obedience and indeavours were tobecovered andaccepted. And thus is every Sacrament a frgne i . of grace. z. of duty, and a religious figne As every sacra. bindingGod to man and man toGod; 3. a ftrengthning merit is like- and confirmingfeale,by which theLord pleated to ratifie wife. the promife ofgrace, andPeale up to them the inward and invifrble .circumcifron of the heart ; called the Cir- cumcifsolsof Chrifl, he only by his fpirit can worke it, Deut,3o.6. I I. Circumcifion figures Chrill, as it was a`ligne, t , memorative of the Covenant of God made with A- i braham and his feed, Gen. 1 7. t 1. whichmercifull Cove- nantwas founded in Chrift ,jefus, out of whom God never contraes Covenant with any man. He onely flay es hatred, and makesGod and man to walke toge- ther as friends. z. figurative, or reprefentative ; fore- fhewing i. that the Mefliah fhould bee borneof A; Three things brahams feed,and not of theuncircumcifed nations,w'ho f,relhewed. i ,g to be a Minifter ofthe. Circtimcifon, was àlfoto Rom.' 5.8. i%.ceivç Circumcifion himfelfe,which was fhadov e'd in all