Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Demonf}rates wound 8c cute. How Chrift cures us. Circumcifion, a type ofChrift. I all their Circumcifions. 2. in their fhedd ingofbloodby Circunicifxon, was reprefenred to their eyes the fhed- ding ofChrif s blood ; not onely in the fiat fruits ofhis bloodfhed iri his Circumcifion (which was a part ofhis hurniliation,and a parcel! of the price payed for our fins) but alto the full powring out ofall his blood in facri fice upon the Croífe, wherein the Circumcifion of Chrift was fullyaccomplifhed. 3. was fh.dowed their duty alto ; that having fbed the frfi fruits of their blood in Circumcifion in obedience to God, they fhould berea- dy to ihed all their blood for him whom they expeeied to ihed all hisblood for them. 3. A dáftingrifAinz figne ofthe jewes from all other people who were without God, without Chrifi; and they onely a chofen feed in that blefl'ed feed, inwhom all their prerogatives were conferred and efaablifhed. q.. A demonfrarive figne, z .ofthenaturali finne and difeafe of man; and therefore it was placed in thegenerative part,to admonit1i t46ra. hamand his poflerity of their uncleanneffe ; for things eleaneneed no Circumcifionnor ablution.Abraham and his feedmua be led out ofthemfelves. z. to demon- arate the cure and remedy by the Mefiiah 5o come, cleanfingour natures two wales, r. by bearing upon himfelfe the imputationofour impurities; 24 byhealing them inus, partly by his merit and bloody death be- llowing a perfea righteoufnetfeupon us ; partly by his Spirit dailyfanftifying and circumcifingour hearts :thus bath this Sacrament preached Chrift untous. Now theobfervations to make it ufefull. I. Take notice of our owne agate to humble us, both in fíate ofnature,and in flare ofgrace. I. In ournature, wee are all fprung out ofa corrup- ted feed; which althoughwe would forget, yet the Lord in this Sacrament tooke care that his people should ear- 1 ry upon their bodies the figne offinne anddeath,feazing upon their wholenature, In placeofwhich comes our Baptifme rfe. î. Be humbled for naturali corms* Lion.