Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Circurcifion, a type. ofGloria. Baptifine prefentlyafter our birth; (hewing that a man in his very fun frame is filthily polluted, and goeth affray even from the ixcmbe,Pfa.58.3. Whence alto it is called, Originali linne. I . becaufe it 'lathbane from the begin, ring of' the world. z . beeaufe it is the originali and be- ginner ofall (Inne in us ; it is the 4irff of all our finnes. 3. from our beginning, even from our conception. Pfa. S I. I was conceived in iniquity ; and we from it called ` the children ofwrath,that is, laid under wrath even from our childhood,Epb. z.3. -After gracereceived fee theweakenelfe ófour And for faith. Abr4134m,the father ofthe faithfull,needeth this perfeaiotls cf pledgeand leale tofiippert his weake and fhaking faith. grace, Who can fay, my faith is firong enough, whichh ever imperfect in the bell, whoknow but in part, and beleeve but in part ? Why elfe did the Lord appoynt the ufe of' Sacraments to the (}rongef} beleevers, and that all their life long ; but to put them inmiede of theweakeneffe of their faith,- whichneedeth fuch continual" props and fupports ? Neither is it marvel" that menare fo heavy to the reverent receiving of theSacrament, becaufe they fee nowant,no neede, no benefit offaith ; they feelenot the weakeneife of faith, which would breed delire of- ftrength , and drive them to the diligent ufe of the meanes. it, IfChriftbe the truthofcircumcifion, thenevery ChriPtian in thenewTeflament muabe circumcifed as -neceffarily as theJewes in the old. And though the cere- mony.and aft ofcircumcifion bee worneour yet the truthofcircumcif óasneerely belongs to us now adaycs, as ofold it did untothem. In whomweeare circumci- fed through thecircumcifion of Chrif}, fpeaking or the Gentiles converteduntoChrifi. in which words, the Aponteplainelydiffinguifheth betweenJewi(ez eircum- ci(ìon andChriffian, between legall.circumcifion and E vangelical,between cYviofèt his circumcifionand Chrifis. P Here 209 ....® ; Zfe. Be circunuifed fpiritually. Col.z.xa