Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

21 o Circumcifion,a type of Orig. , Here t. what this Evangelicall circumcifion is, z. the difference from Lega1l.3.the marks and notes of it.4.the motives. What the E- This ChriílianCircumcifion isdefcribed (Col$ i I.) vangelicall cir- to bee a putting lass fnfstl bodyofdie f c/h; that is,in cumcifion is. plaine tern,es,the mortificationof the bodyoffinnes that are in the flefh.For the truth and kernel' ofCircumcifion It never flood in the cutting offa peeve of skinne (that was but the (hell ofit) but in cutting off the lufis ofthe heart and life, andparting from corruptions ofnature, which rebell againft the Spirit. And thiswee have in Chrift alone, being as farre beyondthe Circutacifion of the oldTeftament, as the truthufeth toexccll the type: as far as Chrift is beyond Msfes, or heaven above earth. This renovationofminds was i . fignified by that Cere- mony.2. promis d byeveryCircumcifed perfon. Dif rence The difference betweene this Evangelical' and that from legall. cif. Legall Circumcifiof,is i . In tlìeefficient. That was ap- i cumciliion, poynted by God tobtemade with hands : but this is a. wonderfull worke without hands,done by the finger of 1 God himfelfe. The mortification of finite is fo ho- nourable a worke, as -the handofmanand Angell:can- not do it. a. In the-fubjef4. That was wroughtupon the feedofAbr banc according to the ße h : this onely i uponAbrahams feed according to the faith, uponWee- versandm.embers of That upon the Jewwith - oist:this upon the Jewwithin. ThatuponIfinael as well as Ifaac e here no IImaelite is circurncifod. That, vas tlafcezttitono Circumcifionofthe naturallybarn, and males ofiely, of Roaafcctinm. Jews.onely : this is of the fiipernaturally borne agame; maleer female, JeworGentile, for inChrift all arc one. 3. In the proper feat.That waseeretisoniallin the fiefh. , this morali in the heart.In thata naturall part wasmen- ded with fiefh in fubftance : corruption h t er dealt iwdyof flefh in viril quality. 4. In the end. ìßa that evoy nomWas :circuit . t cifcd