Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Gircumcifiono type ofChri/l. gifed lis himfelfe, andhis blooddied to fulfill the riteof the Law in this all beleevers men andwomen areis C.hrifts bloodonce circuencifedto fulfil the rigout ofthe Law. 5. In theeffeft. By that, theperfonwars race ved into the focietyof Gods people according toeater nail profefliion : by this the (inner is received into in. wardend eternal' fellowfhip with sod, and intocome tnu lion with Gods people. 6. In tbt latitudeèrex- tent. In that, thePrieft circa mcifed inone part of the body : in this Chrift our high Prieft circunhcifeth tlh« whole man. In that, one beloved part was call away with griefs and forrow : in this, the whole corruption ofnatures and all beloved faanes ; with no telle griefe and forrowof heart for them. p. In the durance and continuance. That was temporary, but till thecomming of Chrift ; whoretord tke type, mod tweed the .nrrb ä but this is to continu for ever, tillthe fet»nd comming of Chrift ; and is moft perfeftly fnifted and confumrnate inheaven. The notes or market to know inward circumcifion attained by Chrift, are thefe. I. Theparty tobee cir-, cumcifed wasrprefeutedand offered to this ordinanceof God, as willingandcontented topart withhis flefh and blood in obedience toGod : fo here thouhaft begun thy circumcifion, ifthouhaft offeredupthy foule, body, end all, 4 re4fenadle facrifice to God, Rom. z 2, r, willingly mortifyng all thedeeds ofthe flail, anddenyingandre- nouncing all flefhly Tufts and aftéftions, which are as fleece and as deare unto thee as the parts of the body Sv Col. z, i r. it mtrft bee a pitting of the finfall body implying, not a fuffering it onely to bee violently taken and cut away : but a voluntaryputting away, and par- tingwith it'. Indeed in legali Circumcifion the infant could not cut away the flcfb of his body : bur in Evasi' gelicall Cii:cwncifion thy felÇe muff put ofi' this,fnft bodyofflefb,and be snorethenmoere patient. a. At P x there; %i ..tiif:giscmde, ftruxit, vaidd. tern *draft. Notes of ia- wardand Cpi rituali circuac+ cilion. -_ , ,,__._ -x----T-