Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

.. s.__ -------.-_- .._-..---_.. . 2t212r -v ircurrrncifìon,a tpeo, fhri11: there the wholebody was wounded inone part : fo fee specials parts to becir:«n!- thywholebody of finne beewounded inall parts, not dfcd. one memberfpared, Col.2.1 i. put off the finnefull bo- dy : No finne muff raigne, noneunrefrffed. And there- fore, i. Labour for an heart circurncifed. There the Lord begins this worke, Deut. 30.6. and Chap. r o..i 6. there fee thou haft begun. See thy deíres be fandified that the thoughts of thy heart and inward affec`fionsbe watched and garded; not tottered to beearthly, wanton, impious, dikordereci,oruntruitfull. This purging ofear- gall affe(ions, and fat}ring them on the right objec`f, is anoteofinward circumcifion,Deut.3o.6.. z. See thine Bare beecircurncifed. íi.7, - r, theJews arereproved for uncircumcifed ewes. All (runes of the care mull bee circurnciféd ; and that is done in opening them toheare God and (;rood inffruaion, and (hutting them againff Handers, falle tales, wicked couníèlls, do(}rines of liber- tie, and the like. 3. Circumcile thy lips; which then are fo, when they are able to fpeake for God. c fo- fes (inExod. 6 r z.) complaines that his lips were not entrgfa circumcifed. All the Ennes of the tonguemull be cut off. This circumciíion admits not a lie, an oath, a flander, a deceitful!, or filthy, or uncleane fpeach,unmor- tified. 4. All finnes of-the eye-muff be circumcilcd, by making covenant with this Member; not fiiffering the eye to bee envious, covetous, wanton, fcornfùll, adulte- rous. And fo examine all the parts, that no finne bee peaceably admitted, without drawing bloodupon it, as I was in circurncifion. 3. As in that Circumci ion was True 1 fenceofmuch p aine and griefè in the body ; as I. fee in cation ispx.n. y e full. i theShechemits,Gen. 34. z S : So in this (whereever it is). is afhie$ionof confcience, paine of fpirit, pricking in the heart; as in the Converts, e..-4.z.37. which makes the circumcifed mourne, and cry out of himfeffe ; judging himfelfe, and breaking his heart with godly forrow for Clone. The Prielt could not take the knife, and cut at the ,