Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Circunncifion, a type ofGhr. the pieceoffleshwithout paine and forowofthechild : Neither 'can the Mini{ter take the fharpe weapon of the Law to wound and cut the body of flefli in any part, but it will be painfull and forowfull to the child ofGod; whowill judge and condemne himfelfe, and dares not Rand out the threats of the Law, as many contemptu- ous rebells doe. An hard and fecure heart is an uncir- cumcifed heart : good lofiah will tremble at the word ; but all Gods words and plagues flirre not Pharaoh. 4. As that part cut off was never fet to thebody again, but was takenquite away for ever : So in this circumci- fìon of Chrifl, is not a parting with finne onely for a time, but a ceafingof finne, that is, a confaant endeavour to forfake all firms, inward, outward, fecret, open : A parting from pleating, profitable, deare,and bofome fins; faying to them (asEphraim tohis idols, Hof. t4.9.) get yee hence; what have yee to doe here ? with refolute purpofe never to give them entrance, or entertainment more. Thofe that fall totheir former limes, as who for- get they ever wafhed ( like dogs and fwine) werene- ver circumcifed. The skinne once cut off died for ever : fuch a dying to finne muff bee in this circurncifion. 5. In that was a joyning to Gods people, and a recei- ving of' the party into the Church and familyof God: See ifthou beeft joyned to Gods people, not inoutward profeffion but in fincere affection; embracing them that feare God, delighting in their fociety, giving them the right hand offellowship, and with the hand theheart ; feparating from the fellowship of the uncircumcifed and profane, as the Jews medled not with theSamaritanes. Doefl thou profeffe circumcifionand grace by Chrifl,but oppofe and purfue the profeffours of' Chrifiian religion, as Ifmael him that was borne after the promife ? A plaine figue, all thy eircumcifion was madewithhands. Thy body was wafhed with water of Baptifine: but thy heart is unwafhed, untouched with any water of laving P 3 grace. 2I3