Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Circumcifion,a type of thrift. grace. 6. In that wasa joyningand admittance to the outward wor(laip of God, and externall communion in fall holy things : fohere thou art become a true worfhip. I per ; not outwardly in the letter and ceremony, but in- wardly in fpirit and truth : A Jew within, Rom. 2. 39. Phi/.3.3. We are the Circumcifon, which worJbip God in the Ipirit. Hee that worfi-rips formally, for faíhion, for Law; and in the naeane timecancontemns the power ofgodlineffe; cannot away with inward watchfulneffe, fincerity, ftriftneffe : though by Baptifine he be brought to the externall communion of the Church in holy things ; all is but in theletter, without all circumcifion of' theheart. i. In that was much rejoycing as in a great priviledge ; and theJew didmuch boaft, andbeare him-. felfe upon this prerogative ; partly upon the externall worke ; partly on their diftinction by it ; partly becaufe it manifefted them fonnes ofAbraham according to the flefh : and much was their praife among men : But true circumcifion rejoyceth not in Abraham, but in Chrift; bathno confidence in the fiefh, but renounceth all out- ward things, and fettles his rejoycing inChrift alone and his merits ; counting all other things droffe and dung in comparifon of him. Let the Jew truft in Circunzcifion by theworke wrought, as our judaizing napias doe in their Sacraments ; Let himglory of' Abraham his father, Ioh.8.3 3. that lice is beloved becaufe the Iced of Abra- ham: Wee are chofen in Chrift, not in Abraham. In him we haveatonement and become a beloved people, and not in Abraham. In himwe come boldly to the throneof grace, and fpeed inour faits : In himweglo- ry all day long. Wenull not in good meanings, as fina- ple ignorant perfons; nor in merits, as wilful' blinded Papifts; nor in any thing within us, nor without us , nor without Chria. All our joy and truft is in himfel`re alone. And this is true inward Circumci ion, Phil.3.3, The