Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Circumcifon,a type ofChri f . The Motives are. T. All outward fervice atd Ce- remonywithout this, is rejeC ed; as preaching, hearing, praying, failing, weeping. All thy ferviceand !about is loll, if by the Spirit ofGod thy mindbee not renewed, and faith and converfion wrought in thyheart. For as the Jews ( beingcircumcifed) were challenged to bee uncircumcifed ( though they had the foreskinneof the flefh cut off, and had thecircumcifion made with hands) and were fo farre unworthy of Abrahams feede, as that they are called, Twitches children, feed of the whore, 11'4. 57.3. and A`7.51: So art thou not circumcifed,which art onely outwardly,Rom.2.28. AJew without, or out- ward, is as good a worfhipper as thou. 2. ifwe can- not fay truely, that nownot theJews, but weare the cir- cumcifion, Col. 2.11. our perfons are nobetter before God, then an uncircumcifed perfon in the law. There- fore ifthou art not thus circumcifed, thou art 1. anex- ceedinghatefull perfon. So Davidof Goliah by way of reproch and contempt : Thsr Hncircurocifed Philiftine. z. thou haft no part inthe promifed Meffiahno more then he. 3. noportion inCanaan, not a foot inheaven : all thy portion is inearth. 4. no member ofthe true Church, but without the Communion of Saints. 5. as hewas in flare of death and judgement, Dent.3o.6. Ier. 4.4,14: fo thou f}. alt bee condemned as furely for want of a fanaifiedand circumcifedheart, as he for contem- ning circumcifion of his flefh. Col. 2. 13. Yee were dead in the uneircumcifonof the fiefh ; without the lifeof God ingrace, without hopeofthe lifeof' glory. Motives to get the fpirituall Civcurticifton. I.Samíi7. P 4 CHAP.