Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

------- The Pafféovel., aweofGhrift. Set. I. 217 I. In the choice of the Sacrifice. TheLord appoin- ted it to bee a lamb, or akidd : notably fignifying jefus Chriít ; whom lohn Baptit called; the Lamb ofCod, taking away the (inner of the world, loh.T.29 Chriff is a lamb, a . In name, Revel. 5.6. In the naidf} of theE1- noc patience, meeknef-fe, humility, obedience etto in- nocency, the will of his rather to the death not opening his mouth, Ifai.5 3.7, in fruitfulneffe and profitablenefCe to feed us with his flefh, and cloath us with his fleece of righteoufnef 'e. 3. Infhadowi,being figured in all thole lambs flaine, efpecially in the Pafchall lamb. In which fhadowes or figures bee was ( not yearely onely, but ) daily held before theeyes of beleevers ; and fo here we confider him. In this Lamb for his choice mull be foure conditions. t . Condition. It rnufl bee a lamb without blemifh, verfe S. every way perfea without any fpot or defea : fignifying the molt abfolute perfec`Iion of Jefùs Chriit ; whowas,both in refpeaofhis perfon and iions Win- out all fpot and exception i .Pet. 1.19. defiledand without 'pot. Heb.7.2 6. Such anhigh Prieft it became us tohave, as is holy, undefiled, feparate from firmer! . The reafons are two. I. Becaufe elfehis ran- fome were infufficient. 2. He mull be perfeetly righte- ous that muff become a righteoufneffe to many. Z. Condition. Itmull bee a male, for three reafons. r . Reafon. Tonote the excellency, flrength, anddigni- ty of Chrift, proper to that fex. For although he fetned a moil weakman in the flue of hishumiliation; yet muff heebe, not eff;minate but mafculine ;-ftrong, flout, and potent to deftroy fane anddeath,and to foile all theene- mies ofmans falvation. Chrifi indeedmuff be the feed I. Pafchall Lamb a type in the choice. Chrift a Lamb. Denomiaatione. jLialifecatio ?e. Adu.móratione. Choice. Cbrif?um fui(e a:vxt.apnrrov> amici p.a;zter inimica ati ,(tint. PerfeEtion of Chrift. His excellency'