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218 NOMPIMO,s1.1 Chrifusinmedio setatùflore im- molatru cuiva conditionis ratio- nemvid. Inn. in Exod.i z. The Pafíeover, A type ofChrift, ofthewoman ; but the womanmuff bring forth a man- child, Rev. t 2. s. And though he muff be borneofa Vir- gin,yet the Virgin mutt bring forth afonne,Iff ;9.6. F©r hemuff divide the fpoylewith the bong,. ; fay 3. i z. 2. reafon. Confider Chrift inboth his natures; it was fit he fhould be a male át's the Lambe was. r. As he was the SonneofGod it was meet bee fhould beeof the more worthy fexeofmen ; for it was unfit that the Sonne of God fhouldbe the daughter ofman.,.Z -., as being man,he was tobe the Meffiah, the feedofAbraham, theSon of David; and fo to be circumcifed, tobee a fit Miuifter of Circumcifion.3.reafon. Confider him in hisoffice. Hee was to bea King, a Prieft, and a Prophet ofhis Church; all whichneceffarilyrequire him tobea man, a male, as the Lambe was. Weconclude thereforehence,that being the head ofthe whole Church, he muff be ofas worthy fexe as any ofhismembers. I I I. Condition. The Lambmuff beofayeare old, ver. 5. to fignifie that Chrift dyed at a full and perfect age,in his ftrength ; and therefore had experience alto of our infirmities. For a Lambeofa yeare old is at his fíate and growth, and a Lambe of a yeare old is acquainted withmany miferies : Even foour Saviour, livir:g to the full ftrengthof a mats, was a man full offorrowes, and acquainted with infirmities. See Heb. q,. 15. we have not an high Prieft which cannot be touched with the feelingofour infirmities, but was in all things tempted like us,yetwithout finne. I V. Condition. He muft be takenout of their own flockes and folds : For fo Mofes to'h#sraoh, Exod. o. 2S, thou muft allowus our beafts for facrifice tooffer to the Lord. Plainly fignifying, that Chrift was tobee an Ifraelite:andwithin the foldofGods ownepeople ; for hewas to beof the feedof Abraham ; and falvation was oftheJewes,loh.4.zz.Yeaand theLords owne Law re- quires, that the King fhould bee taken from amotrghis brethren