Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

The Palteover, a tipe of Chrift. 219 brethren, Deut,17.! S : and rauchmore theKingof the Church; beingKingofall Kings. Sec`it. yII. I I. Iefus Chrawas as evidently expreffed in the preparationof thePafehall Lamb,;wherin the Iews were teed to fixe obfervations. I. Obfervation, The Lambe mull be fevered from the ßock ,ver.6:to fignify Iefus Chrift Operated by God the Father to the office ofMtdiator;and that twowales, i by Gods eternal' decree; heewas achofen fervant of God to the moft excellent fervice in heaven and earth. Ifa.42. r, Myelea fervant. And thus is called a Iambe feperated from before the foundation of the world , r. Pet.t.20. 2, Indue time a6.tually feperated from all the refit ofthe flocke,by 1. a fupernaturall conceptionby the holy Gholt; whereby he became an highPrieft Pepe rated from (inners , all the refit of mankinde remaining (inners. z. by a miraculous birth ofa Virgin, being the feed ofthewoman. 3.by an 'inconceivable unionofthe two natares,divine andhumane,in one perfon;by which he becameour Immanuell, Godwithu,. 4. by a folemne and heavenly inauguration into his office at the brinke of[ordain ; by which he was openly proclaimed the chiefeDoctor and Propct ofhis Church. Thus it be- came this lambeof God tobe aaually feperated from all the reft ofthe flock: becaufe for all the refit hewas to pay a greater ranfome and price, then anyother that could be found amongft all mankinde. I I. Obfervation. The lambe thus feperated mufk . be referved and kept alive foure daie,r ; even from the tenthday ofthe firft month till the fourteenthday ofthe fame month,ver.6 : Whereinwas fgnifxed the very par- ticles of time of Chrifts both Minittery and pailïon. i .for Pail-hall Lamb a type in the preparation. Where6. Ob. fervations. Chrift two waiesfet apart to bee a Media. tor.