Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Z20 The time ofhis Miniftery and painon orde- red.¡ RuiRDominr decima die eiu,f'de mens, hoeeji antequinque dies pafche ixCi- vitatem in qua pate,etw,erat in- greJJì rtst. Anfelna. in Math.zi. ThePaffeover, a type ofChrift. I. for his Miniftery. Chrift muff not bee facrificed pre- fently foToone ashe is borne, nor fo bone as he isbap- tiled and feperated, but after that feperation muff live about foure yeares topreach thekingdome ofGod, and thenbe offered up; that his deathmight not be as a feale toablancke, but might confirrne all that holydoctrine delivered by his owne mouth and Miniftery to the world. z.For his paflìon. The time ofitdepended not on the will ofman, for his enemies fought many a time before to flay him ; as Herodin his infancy, Mat.2., 6. the Jewes tookeup hones to acme him, loh. S. 5-9 : the Nazarites wouldbreake his necke from an hill, Luk: 4. 2c9. And manyother attempts were made againft his life; but his timewas not thencome,the lambe muff be refer_ ved foure daies. And this very momentoftime was de- termined and regiftred in Gods molt certaineand un- changeablecomputation: AEI 2.23.6eing delivered by the determinateceunfell and foreknowledge of God. Whofe wifdorne foordered that, i. as the lambe was taken in the tenthday ache firft month : fo Christ came into Ierufalem about the tenth day of the fame month to fuffer;as appeares,lob. r z. For upon the fixth day before his paflìon,he came to Bethany, ver. r . and the next day he went to Ierufalem, which was the fifth day before his paffion,ver. 12. z. as the lambe mutt be Elaine the four- teenthday ofthe firft month (which anfwereth to our March) and at the full ofthe Moone : So, that no n' an might be deceived in our Pafchall lambe, he muff be fa- crificedat the Paffeover, the fame day that the Iambe muttbeshine ; In the full Moone to note the fulneffeof time now come which was fo long before appointed, and in fuch a month as when light prevailes againft darkenefl'e,and every thing revives and fprings : to fìgni- fie that Chrilt by his fuffering chafeth away our d rke- neffe and death,and brings in light and life, and a bleffed fpring ofgraceand glory. III. Obfer- a-