Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

The Pa Lover, typeo fChki . I I r. Obfervation. TheLambe muffbe flaine,ver.6: fignifying that jefus Chrift being (as that Lambe ofà yeare old)inhis .vigour and ftrength (whoby reafon of his ageand ftrength might have lived longer) muff not onely dye, but by a violentdeath, and that by Ifraell. Noting I. that Chrift mutt be put to death by the Jews, 2. that. thebenefit andmerit of his death redounds to his Church.onely:The Redeemer mull come unto Zion, Ifa.S9..2o. O6jeE . Howwas bee then a lambe flaine from the beginning of the World, before the Iewes were in peeing, P Sol. Twowaks. r. in regard .of.Gods decree,where3 ofa promulgation was made in prom.ifes and types, and anacceptation as if it had beenealready done 2. in re- gard ofman : He was flaine onely one time as to thea5 but inall tuned at to the fruit : be: aufe the perptuall power and efficacyofChrifts facrificewasbegunne with the world,and extended to allbeleevers of aÍí ageswlio onely diverfly apprehend it I V.Obferv.The lamb muff be (lainbe:ween two eve- nings: r. to put them in remembranceoftheir delive rance in k gyps, which waa in the evening 2. tonote that our Paschall lambe fhould be flaine towards the e vening ofthe world, that is,in the lait times, Fhb. 3. that Chrifts facrifice was to fucceed in the fame time of their evening facrifices, which weredaily to becffe- red, exod.29.. 4 I. and foto put end to them, Dan. r 22: 4. to note the very honre as well as the day ofChrith fiiffering on theCroffe. To underftandwhich wemutt know that thejewes diftinguifhed their artificiali day intofoure parts: From fixe tonine, from nine to twelve, from twelve to three, from three to fixe: Zhis:Iaft part was counted the eveningofthe day,- and the next three houres the evening ofthenight : I n this fourth part of the day i fed the .Pafchall lamb tobe flaine, and the refs Of the Cbr m ií tif} die a violent death. How From the beginn ing of the world. Semelatu, Pm_ pe. f uótu. 4 The cune of Chriasdeath ' noted. [ewes dirifion of the day into 4.parì's, ç di