Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Move G rìfi is tebe conceived andccoirtd® 6. , Aboneof Chria fiet 4- broken. 97bit PAi cover, type ofCory *atomwits hale.enoughtodreffe it whole foe Supper : j Pt ttm Ben themePeahen lambemuffi bee facrificed the t veryfameday and hourethat the Myfticall lambe was' Tae Oda at the Ord kNfee, that is, at threeofthe clOckeinthe afterPooue, betweene the evenings,wicha niece voice avaey, the Gbeft, Obfarvatiot . The lambe muftberis poi sirb *sow IA*,:motf`o4, baked, ivid, ,, orofbcrwife, but all thoroughlywafted withfire,ver.9. I. not eaten raw, to figniit:that weemuftnot rofteIy conceive,: norunprea paredly receiveChrift in theSacrament, at the Caper. taaiteedid oftheflefhofChriít, loh.6: and the ift eating t raw fie&ofCbril as it wasborneofthe;V 4 in, with their teeth: 1..roafted, toignifsetwathi : i.themanner ofChrüts death,hewas tobecrucified and peeved. As the lambemua bß thrift through, and fa- inted to a fpit : Co muff theLambeofCod be.ptarcedand fiiitened to theCroífe á As thebrafen Serpent was fixed to a pole,1eb.3. r.. a.thatIeflts Chrif&was made firfood (as that lambe) for his people by enduring the fire ofafd fliaion, but cfpecially by fiacring the hot burning fire ofhis Fathers wrath, which hadburnt up all mankind to the bottorne of hell, had not Chris endured ;. wholly roa[ted, to fgnific that Chrift endured the whole wrathofGod (which is a confumir fire)both its fouicandbody, as that bitter agony in the gardenwit= nelfeth, which made him fweat drops of water and blood, . andcomplaine that his fowls,was, heavy untothe death.. `iI. Obfervation. Though the Iambe bee whollydrefì,yet4hew ofitA41%not be broke.* Noting that wonderfulaccidét inthe paífionofChrift,thatwhen thefouldiers carneparpafely tobrokehis legs, (as they haddone to the other that were crucified with him) yet by ttìods fecree providence theywere refiraìned, fo Atthe acttitypesnightexxa tlyaufwet to the type, asthe gvangelift