Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

1111111111111.1.111111.1m. The Paffeover, f pe ojCbr . Evangelift applieth it, I.& rp.;6. This. lambby, dying whenhe would, hinJred thebreakingofhis boner ,boa° z . his body was moOholy, andnuf riot be fopained and torne igtiusrrutuo dy,. as if it were the bodyefa thiefe or malefat`tor t ze hisFathers care that lopes the hones of' the Saints, that sot oneof thew, ù br-olriy. Pft1.;4.10 will much more keep Cafe thebonesof hì onelySonne ; 3. his bones were tobe whole latitkik. becaufie he.waste rife againe withhis whsle body; add fo the faith of heleevers, in the articleof hitre/loo t on, was moreearlyconfirmed. We muff catt our eyes upon jeCus Chrift the true Far- 62111 LaQrb in all the.worthip ofthe old Teftarnent. For further thenChriifwas found and fcene in it;it was then but as an empty thell without a Icemen: andhowmink smotenow ? The Jews at thisday celebrate the Paff o ver, kill the lamb, fprinklethebtood a to the &AI ï - fetve the rites ; but sefufìng jts.Chrift, wharf-Weer- nee canbee in that foil ?- Whatdoe they elfe.theic away the kernell tognaw tuponthe í'helt or as a triadd man who cafta away the graine, _and' chokes hiiarfclf with the.husks ? Ohhow is the thewrath cif ftb upon them to theuttermoft, who think they have-61W agoodfervice.when they haveflaitrettWrnberof llsa`riibt taken fromcar th,rejeftingtheLamb af.Gìad,.whigtahr" from heaven from thebofom of his.Fathaer, ifinkeIy' furpaltìng them all 1 For .their madoefíe r. Wkit' former whatfpiritualLworfliipisit,.to feedl;the4 dies with the fflc h of lamb ,and. et-refute eirtilif cF lamb ofGod feparsted from all atiaei flock, to`thef òd`' land refrefhingofthe cult? z Whietweaketrtdeold, comfort toeat.a4numberofla siu`rnemoryoftF h' de- lliveranee out of? !pt, andthe-thrakievie-of? äirk anyet not endure toliiles re;of mach le&rarafte+ t ti-' Iamb that bathwrought a more powerfs del tetgr from the F r/Lb.òf Helivfrom.fiáne fr'omm?di , An4e1,7,, Pfe ïdyaïotliip 1ddk tdC%riít: t". swelSyst, ruásic, coas.r;. &tC: and