Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

PafchanLamb a.type in effuti. onof blood. Aïons. Theprecious nef e ofC hriils blood. The Pafregver,4a type ofarí f>, andall their heavieft burthens. 3. All that fprinkling of Hood in theirhoufes , ,fo long as theydefpifè the blood of jefus Chrift, (halt neverggetthemprotec`tionfrom the revengingAngel; We muff pray' that God c+,iorid pleafe at length to,remove their vaile from their hearts, that they may fssbmit themfelves to the righteossfnefire of God. Rom.i o. 3 : that fo all rfrael may bee faved byacknow- ledging the deliverer out of Zion; ofwhom waspro- phecied (Ifni. S9. z ó,) 'That he (hall turtle an ay the rsn- gfilissef fc. from Iacob; III. I I T. The Pafchall lamb directly aimedat Chrifi our true pageover, in. refpe6 of the blood and a&icnsa-. boutit, which were three. The bloodof the lamb muff be Paved in a balen, vfrfe 22. It mutt not bee flied upon the ground to bee troden under foot fignifying the precioufneffe of the- blood of Chrift a.' in refpeet ofGád a.' óf`Chritt 3.' of the Church. For, r. God the Father''higblÿ prizeth this blood, and laves it in a golden veffell, that it may be ever beforehim; and that the ftreames ofit may pacifie his dilpleafure, and confirme the Covenant of grace with his Church, Whence it is called the blood of the Covenant, FIeb.9,I8 2 It was precious inregard of jefus Chrift ; fee ing . every drop. of it was the Mood ( not ofan innocent man onely, but) of one that was God as wellasman, c4Ct.2,6 2,g. God with his orneblood putchafed the Churek; and therfore it was a bloód cfin- finite vertueand infinitemerit. Every true member of the Church doth tnoft highlyCite rrie ir;'äs the moll preciousthing in all the world andwithgreat care and reverence, receives it into thé:'sseffelf: 1pf ci s' 'd fa ving faith, and there keepes it-fafrely s neii doetheir'. molt precious commodities. z. The blood of the.lamb muiFbe fprinkledúpòä the lintell