Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

The PaíeoVer, a type of Chili. lintel! and fide pofts of thedoores ofthe Ifraelites, verf sz. i . In that it mutt befprinkled, it fignified that the blood ofChrift muff be applied unto us ; :for our righte- oufneffe Randsnot in the fheddingofChrifts blood, but in fprinkling and applicationof Chrifis blood flied and fprinkled upon our foules and confciences to purge them fromdead works. 2. It muft be fprinkledupon the pofts and doores, fo as the Ifraelitescould neither go out of doores nor in, but theymuff fee on all fides the bloodof the lamb : fignifying that they and wee fhould both at homeand abroad, going forth and comming in, and on all occafions have the paffionofjefus Chrift be- fore our eyes, in theholymeditation and deepconrem- plation ofit. 3. It was not enough for the Jew that the lamb was Elaine, and theblood fhedwithin thehoufe; but it mull be fprinkled without doores, that every man might fee it : and fignifyed,that ifChri-ftsblood and the merit of it be fhed in the houfes ofour hearts for jufti- fication and righteoufneffe, the fprinklingof it will ap- peare and bee fecne without, inholy life and praclife of fan tification. s. This blood of the lamb muff not bee fprinkled with thebare hands, but with a bunchof hyffope dipt in the blood, verte 22 : which fignified, that every one which puts forth his hand, is not fprinkledwith Chrifts blood, unleffe he have provided thisbunch of hyffope. Hyfoope isfaith : and faith refembles this herbe in foure things. 1. It is a grow d herbe, lowand weake : fo faith in it felfe, and in cuR, is weake, fraile, feeble, andof molt defpifed. Neither hath every man that bath hyf- fope in his garden, this bunch of hyffope in his heart. z. Boating in a rocke (for fo it ufedamong the Jews ) whence tome thought it to bee Pellitory ofthe wall. Faith root8 it felfe upon the rocke jefus Chrift, and can - not grow or profper in any other foile. Other hyffope roots inearth, thisin heaven. 3. It is an herbe cleanfng Q and 2Z5 Bloodofchrit fprinkled,orar- plied. 3 Faith refem- bled by hyf- fopc) how. HA ffopKSfid.cs efi Ag.ìnq..lVuin. 33 Herta hu.ülis. Radici.lriis ba- rer; inpetra. Purgans, &; fanans.