Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

2Zt The Pafscover,a typeof ChriI1. 4 and curing. Faith onely is anherbeoffoveraigne vertue both to pasrFfi4 the heart, A5, i S9 : and toheals all the wounds ofcoñfcience. AE . G.3 a . the Gaoler wounded and pricked in heart mull belceve in the Lord Iefau chriß, and bee fáved. Our Lord hirníèlfe was:wont to fay to diilretfed perfons, According to thy faith bee it to I'rie ceteris re- thee. 4. It was fitter thenother Herbst for the receiving eipiendvrafter- and fprinkling ofliquor fo faith, although a low and gendo weeks plant, is onely fit toreceive the precious liquor of valdeapta. 4 the blood of Chrifl. Onely faith draws vertue from Chrift ; as in the poore woman that [foodbehind Chril't, c.'tarke S.3á. And the want of this bunch of hyffope difablesChrifl from doing thee any good. Chrift could doenothing.inCapernaum for their unbelief. V(e. r. I. Note hence; how wed areto prize and magnifie Guilts hlood, the blood of Chrill. For if the flladowofthis precious to b highly blood mull be fo preferved, focarefully faved in a cooly prized ve%ll : how much more ought the blood it felfe ? weft. Howmay I prize the bloodof Chritt ? How. of Anfw.` j; ConGdr, with thedignity the per fon, the infinite value of it : That it is able to p irchAfe the whole Ckureh of God, Aft. ze. 2g. which a thoufand worlds ofwealth could not doe. No wealth in heaven or earth befides this can redeeme onefule : And therefore the Apoille, i . Per. 1.19. lets thisprecious blood again all corruptible thingf,as gold and filver,and things fo much let by amongst men. z. Confider the precious things which it procures us both in earth and in heaven. Précious things , . Here below it procures us foure things. a. Re- procured by it : conciliation and peace with God, Rom, ;.25.. and .Ephef. 2. On earth. i wee which were forte off, are made nests by the blood of Chrift. 2. A fweet tranquillityofmind and peace of confcience, which all worldly treafure cannot purchafe ; becaufe now wee are within the Covenant of God, living in his love which is better then life and in this love is no lacke, but an abundant fupply of all need- full