Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

1be,Paiseover,a type ofCVO. z2,7 full things. All which Covenant ofgrace is made and ratified by this blood, therefore called the blood of the Covenant, Heb.9. 3. Viaory againíl all the malignity of' our fpìrìtuall enemies even the greate(1 : Satanhim- felie who is overcome by theblood of the lamb, Revel. i 2. II. 4. Immunity and fafety from all the judge- ments and dangers threatned againfEour finnes ; elfe had wedied without mercy for defpifing Ullofer law, Heb. 10.2á. For if there were fuch force in theblood of the -type, that by the effifionof it the Ifraelites lay fafeand untouched of the revenging Angel, Heb. 11.2 8 much more in this bloodof jefus Chrift to cover beleevers in his Name, from the hand of Gods revenge due to our tranfgrefiions. z. This precious blood now in heaven procures In heaven. usthe moll needfull and excellent good things above all that wee can imagine : Efpecially two wayes. I. By opening heaven for our prayers ; for this blood pleads for us now inheaven,and (peaks better things for us then theblood of Abel, Heb. 12.14. That called for venge- ante againi the finner : -this intreateth for daily grace for daily finnes,and procures dailymercies for daily fup- plies. z. As to our prayers, fo this bloodopeneth hea- ven to our perfons. This blood onely rents thevaile a- funder, and makes a way into the holy of holies, and gives entrance into the kingdome of heaven.Heb, ic.19. by the blood ofJefus we arebold to enter into theholy place. This blood is theonely key that unlocks heaven ; for elfe the Lord dwells in light which no fielh can have acceffe to, i . Tim.6. 16. namely without Chriii and the 1 theddingof hisblood. I T. Is theblood of' Chria fo precious ? takeheed pre, 2- ofprophaning this preciousblood ; take heedoffinning , profane not againli it. Confider of that fore pwnifbment which he is Chblood of worthyof,that treads Under foot thefonneofGod, and counteth the bloodof the Teiament unholy, Heb. I o.z9: r Qz He1