Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

2,2,8 How that may bedone, Tu per Mow fanguìnem,quem pro te iínpentút, Mata5.4o. The Pafseover, a. typeofChrill. Hecannot expreffe the greatneíïe ofthepunifhment in words, but leaves it to all mens mindes to confider of. £ft Howmayaman prophane this blood ? eßnfv. I. By undervaluing it ; as Papifts, who thinke it infuflìcient to ratifie the Covenant unto them without other additions and tppplies from themfelves and others ; yea afcribe as much to the bloodof Thomas Becket and other traytors, as to this blood. 2. To beathamedofChria and his fufferings. The Jewes mu(} ftrike the lintells oftheirdoores with the blood of the Pafchall Lambe, that all might fee theywere Ifraelites : fignifying that wemuff openly profeffe Chrif, and not be athamedof his deathand ignominy, which is the life ofthe world, at which, notwithf}anding, thegreateft part of:the world ftumbleth at this day. To fhame at the profeffionofChria,is to contemnehis blood. 3. To contemne it in the meares in which the Lord would hold it before our eyes : To rejeft or negleft theprea- chingof the word, wherein Chrift is crucifiedbefore our eyer,as he was to the Galatians,chap.3. LTonegieaand delpife the Sacrament, inwhich his blood is atter a fort powredoutto themind and fences : Or unpreparedly ta receive the Sacrament, and in the unworthineffe ofa guiltyconfcience;is to make ones f ifeguilty ofthe blood of Chrift;as Pilate,Iudas,and the foldiers were. 4. To defpüc and wrong the godly, de fèended of' the blood of C H R I S T: redeemed with theblood of' C H R i S T: To hate the Church of God, and abufe the mem- bers ofChrift;is to crucifie againe the Tonne of God,a d defpiie thepriceofour purchafe. In thatye do it to one of thofe little ones , ye did it to me. Thou canif not draw bloodoftheSaints, but thou firma againft the blood of Chria. 5. To prophane it in graceleffe fwearing, as thofe branded bell-hounds that fweare commonly by wounds or blood; as if thisprecious blood were to beengagedon everybale occafion. Well they carry wounds